Spring - time to plant potatoes

 The ground shouldn't be too wet when you plant potatoes, so I'm waiting for it to dry out a bit before I put mine in, probably after Easter.  They can be planted up until the end of May.  It's simple enough - use a trowel to dig hole the depth of the trowel, put a potato in, and cover with soil.  Space early potatoes in rows 30cm apart.  Rows should be 45cm apart.  Second early and maincrop potatoes should be spaced roughly 45cm apart and rows 60cm apart.  The difference between early, second early and maincrop potatoes is the time it takes for them to mature.  Earlies take about 10 - 12 weeks, and maincrop 15 weeks.  Earlies are the 'new' potatoes while maincrop are the ones to store over winter.


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