Begonias - easy houseplants

 I love begonias and have been growing them for years.  I started off with cuttings from a friend in the 1970s and have been propagating them ever since.  This is how you do it:

Cut off a leaf with 2 - 3 cm of stalk.  Carefully plant the stalk in a pot containing potting compost. Wait patiently for a few weeks, watering sparingly.  Sooner or later you should see leaves emerging from the stalk, as you see in the photograph below.  There are four leaves in the pot and each has the beginning of a new plant emerging.

I'll leave them till they're a bit bigger then transplant them in separate pots, keep one and give the rest away, or sell them at the next EHS plant sale on May 14th 2023 at the Hut.


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