Bare root fruit bushes

I'm planning to give up the allotment I've had for 20 years. The produce I'll miss the most is the fruit: blackcurrants, redcurrants, gooseberries and, most important, raspberries. So I've bought new bare root bushes/canes from Blackmoor Nurseries, our nearest and very good suppliers, to establish in the bottom of my long thin garden. It's fairly shady, but growing fruit bushes there shouldn't be a problem. It's very different from the allotment where it's sunny and quite exposed so it's a bit of an experiment. The photos show the bare root bushes heeled in my future veg patch. The chard behind them is being ravaged by little snails. They'll have to go in the compost bin according to the latest pronouncement from the RHS to love our snails and slugs. I have to move some plants in order to plant the bushes where I want them. Fingers crossed the weather will dry up and make this possible to do soon. They should be planted ...